How to Get Your Car Ready for Winter - ICT Billet

How to Get Your Car Ready for Winter

Icy weather has officially arrived in many parts of the country – and will remain throughout the Midwest for months to come. Those cold temperatures can have an adverse effect on many parts of a car, from unhealthy pressure systems in the engine transmission to straining the battery of vehicles left outside overnight. Meanwhile, road salt takes a toll on the metal body and undercarriage.

Several steps not only can help protect automobiles in winter, but they can also extend the life of a vehicle and boost its resale value when it comes time to upgrade. 

4 Tips for Protecting Your Vehicle in Cold, Icy Weather

Naturally, you want to make sure your battery is in good condition and take care of routine tasks such as an oil change before heading out in the cold. Here are other ways to get ready for the icy road ahead:

Maintain your antifreeze (and coolant). Both fluids are essential for regulating the temperature of an engine – the antifreeze for keeping it from freezing up in the winter, and coolant for protecting it from other extremes. Check your owner's manual or an engine expert for the proper formulation.

Consider adding a block or oil heater. The lower part of an engine is sometimes referred to as the block. A heater will help retain heat in the engine oil as well as coolant. If you live in a frigid winter environment, this can make it easier to start your car and reduce wear as it warms up. 

Keep your engine sensors in tip top condition. Recently made vehicles use fuel injection to push air and fuel into the engine. The sensors in these systems must be functioning well in order to gauge atmospheric conditions and make adjustments based on: 

Air pressure



Newer cars tend to have more effective and numerous sensors. Some people use a fuel additive; just be sure to warm up the engine for at least 30 seconds before hitting the road.

Don’t idle. Many people still have the misconception that cars should idle as they warm up. But that habit was based on old, outdated technology. Too much idling can simply wear on the components and waste gas. Today’s vehicles should be driven at a casual speed for five or ten minutes as they warm up. 

Discuss Protecting Your LS Engine with an Expert

More and more drivers are swapping out their underperforming engines with LS engines so they can experience more power year round. LS engines are highly reliable V8s that can have well over 200,000 miles on them and still function superbly, with minimal internal wear. Because they are highly durable, their performance is generally better than the alternatives. 

That said, every vehicle is unique. Your winter experience may depend on your commute, where you park, and on the quality of parts throughout your vehicle. If you’re an LS engine owner, to get the best possible performance in wintertime, become familiar with the components of your specific engine. For example, the specialists at ICT Billet have vast experience speaking to owners of all types of vehicles about what steps will be the most helpful for their set of wheels. The ongoing support from local customer service teams are part of why ICT Billet maintains such a loyal customer base. Any issue with a product can be promptly addressed. One reason for this is that the company’s reps work closely with designers and engineers so that they develop the expertise to answer any questions that come their way.

Get High Quality, Locally Made Parts & Accessories at ICT Billet

ICT Billet manufactures all of its auto parts and accessories from a single location in Wichita, Kansas, separating us from the competition. Parts for LS engines that are 100% made in the Midwest include:

  • Brackets
  • Adapters
  • Electrical wiring
  • Engine components
  • Superchargers
  • Turbos

If there is ever an issue with one of your engine parts, you can get easy access to a solution by reaching out to ICT Billet online or giving us a call. We look forward to answering your questions as well as helping you with your next LS swap!

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